What do you mean by that?

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Today I had both Carolyn and Kerry Manning come in for morning appointments. I thought that two class 5's couldn't be that difficult. Mr. Mannings heallth history was a mile long with at least 8 meds to look up and several more listed on the HHX from before that he no longer used. Couldn't just copy the HHX info from before. Dena's patient noshowed so she took Mrs. Manning. I passed off my ultasonic PE.

In the afternoon my second patient who was coming in for a pano and 4 pa's of her 3rds cancelled. She said she was able to get into Midtown on Tuesday the 9th although I did not see an entry in her chart. My regular afternoon patient was a class three with a perio abcess on # 25. We anesthitized him with a IA block? and by infiltration around the suspect tooth after Dr. Hopkins set the treatment. It was really interesting with the cleaning out of the pocket. Lots of purulence and a bit of curettage taking place as well. I also experienced a 12 mm pocket that was confirmed by Prof. Alexander. Like the energizer bunny; it keeps going and going and going.... Patient left with peridex to keep the debris out of the pockets and upon his return on the 25th I'll start with a quad at a time until done.


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