What do you mean by that?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

What a feasco

I did not like today, not one bit. I finall had a chance to put a class 2/3 away. but Nooooooo. I leftf too much calculus behind. Of course it may have been that she was a bit sensitive (which didn't help. I need to get more accurate, faster, and neater.

On the bright side I had a great pa with problems on it and I was able to actually see them. Practicing each night with my case study book is helping; I think?

I scheduled two class V's for the am of 10/11. See if I can pull that one off.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Afternoon bust

Mrs. hansen showed up as scheduled and I place the Arestin for her. A new experience and easier than I though it would be. I'll do the pe the next time around. My second appointment of the day was a no show and crusin' through the building got me zilch! So no I take a page out of Mao's Little Red book and "We must redouble our efforts" I have a day with a teenager coming up. Perhaps I could stick another patient in after him. Might could if the exam goes well. I'll cal him to get his age.

First day at VA

Yesterday went well for my first day at the VA. I like the computer system anda the workinig atmosphere. Most of what i did was assist with some of the harder patients. I was going to observe the denatl lab people for my dental materials class , but really did not have the time to do so. My rotations there actually begiin on the 16th so I chomping at the bit to get there.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Good day

HOw come every time I try to access this blog my password gets disremembered? I have entered again and have taken note of it.

Better afternoon than morning. Don't know why, but afternoon patient was just smoother although I am still forgetting too much. I need to use my patienit note better to get a routine down. Also need to do the PE's starting SOOOOON! Gotta' hone in on some of the big words too. Not that I don't know them, I just forget to use them at the appropriate time. Next week is Rigoberto day...a possible board patient. I have new flyers to put out and that should take the heat off me for patients. My patient notes have helped me with the paperwork. All I need to do is add to them and then USE THEM!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Well i shoulda' asked...didn't I?

This am's appointment didn't go well. She assured me yesterday that she had her diabetes under control with meds. She had no idea what meds she was on and had neglected to mention her HBP! 177/82 (i took it three time over 20 minutes to be sure) I refered her to her physician at Midtown clinic and will hive a follow-up call tomorrow to see if she has talked to him. Did a BGTest so I'm ready for the next time. Should have declared my first class five exam (stupid of me not to). Gotta' look over all the PEs and organize them. Same with exams. On the brighter side, my spanish translater worked well (although it it odd going back to english, "the dye of revelation).