What do you mean by that?

Monday, April 23, 2007


Today I finished my last two PE's. What an accomplishment! Gregg Jorgansen was my patient today; a class V, so I did the PSR and Air Poilish on him. Nice guy; a teacher of teachers who says kids are still interested in teaching as a profession. I hope he'll come back to me next fall.
I wish the air polisher was more convienent to use. It's pretty messy, but not as bad as last time. I used the ultra sonic and mini gracies (after 5's I believe.) and they were excellent. Even my paperwork was good today.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Clinic assistant today and it's too easy. Classmates still have too many no shows. Meridith needs a class 3 and I remembered Rafael Hernandez. Amie was going to use him as a board patient, but I here she may have someone else. I hope meridith can use him to get her last 2 class 3 quads. Too quieti for me and this day is dragging on.


Well happy b'day to me! Whoo-hoo! I finsished my last requirement and have just two PE's to go. Not too shabby. Best news of the day was the scholarship...wow! how'd that happen? It will come in handy with boks and materials next fall. Just a couple of weeks to go and two more patients.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Productive day

Much as hated having family as patients (family didn't get a deal on rooms at the hotel either) I had to give in and take a dmx on Cecile. Even the pedo sensor was too small and I know I'll get docked for some of the shots, but let the chip fall where they might, I don't think they can get much better. Jacob's pano turned out great and he was very patiemt in the chair. His teeth arem't as bad as I thouhgt they would be. 9 more sealants for a total of 16. I hope he knows what expense we are going through for him. Passed 3 PE's off today so I am getting close to the end...thankfully! Two class two quads left to fullfil the minimum requirements and still two unfilled appointments. It's tempting to call in a sick day, but I've never done that in my life...what wouls it be like? Naaawww, not gonna' so that. It'll blemish my superman image.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Somedays are diamonds, somedays are rust...

This one was covered with rust as deep as the Titanic's. just when I think I'm getting the hang of doing the paperwork right, something comes along to screw me up. Now I have another porject when I can barely find time for the others. I just need to slow down and complete the work as I go. I know where I went wrong however and can rectify the problem. I need only plan ahead for certain contingencies.