What do you mean by that?

Monday, April 09, 2007

Productive day

Much as hated having family as patients (family didn't get a deal on rooms at the hotel either) I had to give in and take a dmx on Cecile. Even the pedo sensor was too small and I know I'll get docked for some of the shots, but let the chip fall where they might, I don't think they can get much better. Jacob's pano turned out great and he was very patiemt in the chair. His teeth arem't as bad as I thouhgt they would be. 9 more sealants for a total of 16. I hope he knows what expense we are going through for him. Passed 3 PE's off today so I am getting close to the end...thankfully! Two class two quads left to fullfil the minimum requirements and still two unfilled appointments. It's tempting to call in a sick day, but I've never done that in my life...what wouls it be like? Naaawww, not gonna' so that. It'll blemish my superman image.


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