Ultra sonic
Seems easy enough as I have used one before. It's interesting to see that the techniique hasn't changed much. I'm looking forward to using it on my class two and three patients this month.
Seems easy enough as I have used one before. It's interesting to see that the techniique hasn't changed much. I'm looking forward to using it on my class two and three patients this month.
Today's patient cancelled, but I was able to get Ashley Medina in as a patient. She is 4 years old and pretty aprehensive about being here. I wasn't able to do much so it was just another almost lost day. I did a sealant on Ben Baker (Meridith's patient) so did complete something.
What a pleasureable day I had with my patient. 14 year old Taylor was perfect to have in the chair. I was able to complete everythin by 1035 and even got through more of the paperwork on my own. A couple more and I'll have it. Instrumentation was easier and I onl missed two places. I do need to sharpen my instruments though.