Well...finally I'm able to post to my blog. Don't know what happened to the first.
The past two clinics have be interesting although not overwhelming. As I catch up with reading things will settle into a dull roar I'm sure.
If there are poeple out there who want to form a study group, I'm up for that. We could meet in the student loinge (1st floor of the MH building, near the elevator) or in the library (there are rooms available in the reference area basement). It would come in handy now and be a lifesaver when dental patho and meds class begins in the future.
As for the question I recieved (one my now defunct first attempted blog) about military dentists be rough?...not really. I had the priviledge of serving with some fine dentists and a few not so fine. Dr. Dennis Sherman from Boise, Idaho, graduated at the top of his class from Creighton Universityand I'm proud to say that after more than 30 years, the amalgam fillings he placed in a few of my teeth are still in very good condition. Then there was Capt. Stevenson. He came up through the ranks (a mustanger in navy jargon) He started out as a pharmacy technocian during the Second World War, went to dental school and would have made admiral if booze hadn't gotten in the way. Ask me about the "dental dynomite" story sometime. The guy had a real sense of humor.